At the very leasty you have your husband, parents, and uncle and are in a far better position than others who have tried making it out with their loved ones.
Hope everything works out for you, Gojira
good morning jwn-land.. since my parents and my husband and i have learned ttatt we have been keeping quiet, mostly.
we have held off on revealing our true names, my dad has held off joining jwn and telling his story because we have been waiting for one special event.
my dad talking to his mother about ttatt.
At the very leasty you have your husband, parents, and uncle and are in a far better position than others who have tried making it out with their loved ones.
Hope everything works out for you, Gojira
hi guys,.
so then, why did you get dunked?
were you pressured into it too, or did you do it because you honestly thought it was the right thing to do?.
I got baptised when I was 16. Was already having doubts at the time and I didn't go in as a strong believer. I suppose it was to appease my family and because of pressure from the congregation and family. I didn't feel much different after it happened; I just wanted mostly my family to stop bugging me about it.
today's watchtower made out that the combining of branch offices around the world is a loving provision from jehovah to streamline the production, but i had to ask an elder afterwards, even though i already knew the answer.... "if the wts is selling off bethels and brooklyn property and cutting the publishing costs and commitments, then where is all that money going?".
elder replies, "well the donations are just not coming in anymore and so they have to sell off property to stay afloat.".
gee, i thought if this was jehovah's approved organisation carrying vital truth to the world, then he'd be making sure the donations would be sufficient.
I honestly think it just comes down to them saving more money. Even in a bleak economy, I don't think donations must be lacking much.
It just makes more sense to simplify and spend less on paper since most people that receive the mags end up browsing them and throwing them away.
The great comedian Dave Chappelle said, "If a man could f*** a woman in a cardboard box, he wouldn't buy a house." I don't believe either sex loves money itself but, generally speaking, men and women have different goals in life. If you are asking which sex is more materialistic, and since the nature of the question demands broad generalizations, imho I have to go with women being more materialistic than men. Women want money to buy themselves (or have others buy them) more things and to make their life easier, to a greater extent than men do imo. However, men crave money because many believe it will get them power, respect, and women. Just my 2 cents.
is this legit or is someone playing games.
No way...I'm calling shenanigans on this one.
so, i finally decided to become a member and make my first post .
a bit about me:.
i've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months i think).
@Quandry: I'm glad to hear you and your husband were able to get out I definitely won't be rushing anything.
@excitesinceredetermination: Best of luck on your fade too and thank you for the link, I was finally able to get a hold of a pdf of the manual I was looking for
@Amelia Ashton: Yes, I did first find out about Sparlock when I watched the DVD after coming home from the D.C. but I wasn't aware that ppl were parodying it until I stumbled upon other posts talking about it on this site.
@EdenOne: It's crazy how many are out there in the same situation(s). For a long time I felt like there weren't many others thinking what I was a couple years ago; it's nice knowing there are others that have gone through similar experiences and have come out with their head up high. Also, nice Hobbes avatar pic
Thanks everyone else for the welcome
watchtower studies like today's really make me feel anger for this cult.
i mean almost all of them do but this one is one of those articles that takes things too far.. i mean they are condemning the people who are trying to help/save the earth because it's "satan's" world and instead are saying that religious salesmen with magazines are doing way more than the others!like are you f**king kidding me?another reason why i hated this study article is for what some of the young ones did in response to the study.
as one was unwrapping a piece of candy, he decided to throw the wrapper on the ground.
I LOL'd when I saw the picture... It's the same old propaganda since the 50's and 60's; the bros just got better at using Photoshop apparently
so, i finally decided to become a member and make my first post .
a bit about me:.
i've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months i think).
@ABible Student: Thanks for answering my question I have not read any of Hassan's books though I am planning to read them eventually; I will definitely check out the video later. Thanks for the kind words.
@dazed: LOL @ those pics...damn, 13? Every time I see/hear about another kid getting baptized that young, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for them. I'm glad to hear you and your wife are getting out together. I will definitely plan my exit as patiently and carefully as I can.
so, i finally decided to become a member and make my first post .
a bit about me:.
i've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months i think).
@bsmart: I'll make sure to check out Gravitar, hopefully I can mess with my profile pic soon
@Lois: Wow, I usually don't hear many leave after such a long time. I admire your optimism after leaving, and thanks for the warm welcome.
@Newly Enlightened: This video seems familiar, I think I might have watched one like it before...I'm not too familiar with the "Conscience Class" though, maybe you could elaborate on that? I get the feeling it's a group that tries to give talks to get other JWs out?? I have thought of discussing what I know with others but not anytime in the near future as I don't want to be "found out" anytime soon.
@mouthy: I'm glad you saw through the lies once it was obvious and decided to leave. I'm sorry about your family.
@2+2=5: I am admittedly not the most optimist guy, but cases like yours give me hope I too, wish to get out with someone I love but again, at this point I am just thankful I am where I am am mentally "out." I am from Southern California btw As for my witnessing, I usually wing it and do about 4-6 hrs a month but have been writing down 7 or 8 for each month, I avoid going to service as much as I can without my family getting on my case. I've thought about stepping down as an MS and have refused giving public talks but I am comfortable with my responsibilities at this point since I don't have too much to do. Basically, I'll stay where I am mostly for my family as long as I don't get pressured much, though I'll admit it is difficult at times to parrot the same info from the podium...especially when it's something I have strong object to.
@jgnat: Thanks! Already familiar with internet trolls but from what I've read on here, most of your posts are quite helpful Thank you for dropping by!
@Giordano: Another great experience I'm glad you have your wife and son with you. The whole blood issue is one of the doctrines I despise the most; it is imo ridiculous even when looking at it from the Christian perspective. Also, nice Fallout avatar pic!
To everyone else that has posted or that is going to post: I am reading every single reply and will try to reply to most, and thank you
so, i finally decided to become a member and make my first post .
a bit about me:.
i've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months i think).
So, I finally decided to become a member and make my first post Not sure if I should have posted this on this section of the forum but I've seen a few “intro threads” here so I thought I'd post here.
A bit about me:
I've been lurking around the forum for quite some time (about 6 months I think). I didn't think I would reply/post too often as I would mostly read others' topics and replies so I put off making an account and making my first post until now.
I am an active MS still in the Organization along with my mother and sister. My father has never been in and I'm the only male in the family that has gotten baptized. Since my teen years, I have had doubts about the existence of God and had at times also questioned whether some of the Organization's policies are fair or are grounded on a scriptural basis. Now in my early 20s, I identify the most as an agnostic atheist and over the last year I have become quite convinced that many of the WTS's policies are not based on “Bible principles” and find some of them outright sickening. That said, I have never really attempted to talk about my concerns with my family because they are very much “in” and I doubt any reasoning will work at this point. At the moment, I am just glad that I am “out” mentally although I do feel like I'll have to play the pretend game for quite a while, at the very least until I can become more self-sufficient and can plan some sort of fade.
I've got a few questions for those that have been here for much longer:
I just joined about a week ago but how can I change my profile pic and edit my profile details? Is there some sort of prereq before I can change these?
Who moderates the forum? Or who can I contact/PM if I have any other general questions?
Could someone please PM me a link to the newest elder's manual? I believe it's called “Shepherd the Flock of God”...I've looked online but haven't had any luck, maybe some of you can point me in the right direction.
Thanks to all who took the time to read this. I know I didn't go into too much detail for my intro; maybe I'll post more about my experiences later but I just felt I had to introduce myself already and begin meeting all of you on here. And thank you in advance to those that can answer my questions, very much appreciated.